What is PHP?
PHP is a scripting language that is often imbedded into web pages to add functions that the markup language (HTML) can't do.
PHP allows you to collect, process and utilize data to create a desired output. In short, it let's you create interactice pages.
PHP is able to preform a number of tasks including printing data, making numeric calculations (such as addition or multiplication), making comparisons (which is bigger, are they equal, etc) and making simple true/fase choices. From this you can create more complex loops and functions to make your page generate more specialized data.
What is MySQL?
MySQL is a relational database system that is used to store information. MySQL can store many types of data from something as tiny as a single character to as large as complete files or graphics. Although it can be accessed by most programing languages, it is often coupled with PHP because they work together with ease.
Information stored in a MySQL database hosted on a web server can be accessed from anywhere in the world with a computer. This makes it a good way to store information that needs the ability to change over time, but also needs to be accessed over the net. Some examples that can utilize MySQL are a web message board or a customer's shipping status.
What is the point?
Many of the most popular Web 2.0 tools are created in PHP and MySQL, such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, OS Commerce, Zend, Xoops, BB, OpenChat, Wordcraft, bBlog, BoastMachine, SugarCRM, WebERP, CK-ERP, and many more.
PHP and MySQL are part of iTeam's expertise and are one of the language/database combinations we are fluent in and capable of designing almost anything with.